
In the immortal words of Sam Reich, "The only way to learn is by playing, the only way to win is by learning, and the only way to begin is by beginning."

I've been interested in game development for most of my life, but I only really seriously started getting into it in recent times. I was recently laid off by my place of employment and decided to really dedicate some time to learning the skills of game development and see if I could do something with the skills I learn. I've spent the last couple of months reading and following different online tutorials and getting familiar with Godot.

Today I am launching a short demo of what I have created. A little 5-minute bullet-heaven/roguelike. It's been a lot of fun learning new things and figuring out how to fix bugs that pop up. I especially loved when I would try to work a way out to add something I didn't read in a tutorial and figure it out on my own, what a great sense of accomplishment!

Not sure if I will continue to develop on this or not, or if I will set my sights on a new game. But the lessons have been invaluable and I look forward to learning more!

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